
A Guide To Reset Your Air Conditioner

Have you ever contacted a professional technician because your air conditioner stopped working? Instead of contacting a technician for an air conditioning tune-up in Aurora, CO, when your air conditioner does not switch on, you can try restarting it yourself. 

You can try to restart your system without the help of a technician with some basic knowledge about the different parts of your cooling system. 

1. Need to restart your air conditioner

You may think that you will never face a situation in which you have to restart your air conditioner manually, but this may not be true. Due to several reasons, an air conditioner may stop working and need a manual kick for its usual operation.

One of the reasons may be a faulty part or equipment in the air conditioner. Another reason could be a power shortage or a tripped breaker.

2. Ways to restart your air conditioner

Our skilled team uses four ways to restart any air conditioner model, and through some practice and knowledge, you can apply them to your system as well when trouble arises: 

  • Use the Reset Button: The reset button is one of the simplest ways to restart an air conditioner. All you have to do is find the reset button in your system. Most models have the reset button on the outside unit, but if you cannot find it, try reading the instruction manual with your air conditioner.
    Once you find the button and the power supply is proper, press it for three seconds and leave it. Your air conditioner will give three beeps before it starts working.
  • Use the Isolator Switch: An isolator switch is similar to a circuit breaker. The former is for more safety when your air conditioner receives maintenance schedules and repair jobs. A circuit breaker breaks the power supply to your system, but an isolator switch stops the power supply when your system is under maintenance.
    You may not have an isolator switch as it is not a compulsion, but if you do have it, it will be between the main power supply and your air conditioner. Turn it off for half an hour and try switching your system on again.
  • Use the Circuit Breaker: As we have mentioned before, the circuit breaker of your air conditioner trips when there is a voltage disturbance in your area. If your area has a sudden change in the power supply, the circuit breaker will trip, and your air conditioner will not receive energy.
    Try flipping the circuit breaker on to restart your air conditioner. If your circuit breaker is worn out due to power disturbance, try replacing it. However, if you do not have experience in replacing a circuit breaker, you should contact a technician to do it for you.
  • Use the Thermostat: Sometimes, your thermostat is why your air conditioner is not working. Check the settings of your thermostat and replace its batteries for proper functioning.


Technic Air Mechanical is one of the leading HVAC companies in Aurora and other surrounding areas. Our team excels in providing services like furnace installation and air conditioning installation in Aurora, COContact us to learn how we can help you with your HVAC problems.

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